Sunday 29 March 2009

9 quiet minutes

Gracie never ceases to amaze me.  Just when I think I know her she throws me a curve ball.  After Sunday School today, the teacher came up to us and said "Guess what Grace did today?"  Well, my mind started to race, Grace can do lots in a small amount of time!  The teacher explained that Gracie had an idea, she wanted to play a game... see who could stay quiet the longest!  Gracie... suggesting to stay quiet!!  Well, her and Beth and two others did the game and Gracie wanted it timed.  There were lots of kids down there and while these 4 girls sat quietly on the carpet the others ran wildly around (which usually Gracie is leading the charge!)  So, as you might guess, Grace won... a whole 9 minutes she went without saying a peep!  Wow!  I must remember this for at home!  I am shocked at her that she wanted to do this, but more than that, I am so proud of her. I can just imagine how hard that was for her  but she stuck with it to till the end.  The more she grows up the more I admire her and want many of her qualities for myself.  I am a proud mama! 

Friday 27 March 2009

Some Spring Fun

She's got me stumped!

So, my girl's love to pretend to be cats.  In fact Gracie just came while I am writing to ask if she can be my kitty and I have to buy her at the store.  Well, I was just helping her in the potty when she asked me ...

"Mom, do kitty's wipe their bums?'
"Um, no, honey, they actually lick it...."
"WHAT? How do they survive without getting sick?!"

Here is where my mommy wisdom stops.  How does a cat lick itself without getting sick?  Did God make them immune to the grossness it is ingesting?  My quick answer was " I don't know sweetie, I guess God just made them different"  So, I might just have to google this one and find some answers!

Hummm, some family news....

-We are all feeling a bit better, no one is sick as of today!
-Gracie has had 5 days of potty success!  Praise God!
-Jude is signing 3 signs, and I think he is starting to say "MaMa"
-Jude is at the doctor to check on his tongue tie, we'll see if it needs surgery.
-Bethy left her jacket at the library, we'll go get that today.
-I am ready for school to start again!
-Paul is busy with work, he is making bread today
-I cut Paul's hair yesterday
-I am working today
-We had a kitty friend hanging around our house yesterday, he wanted to come inside
-Gracie is sitting in a basket waiting for me to buy her!

There is our life in a nutshell, let the day begin!