Monday 27 February 2012


I am sitting in the sun watching J Man nap for the second time today, hoping that this second nap won't ruin his sleep tonight. He is sick, must be pretty sick to need two naps. He did his swimming lesson again this morning and wanted to show his teacher that he could swim under water, a skill he decided to do yesterday with us on a family outing to the pool. He did it, and kept doing it and doing it, perhaps that is why he is asleep.... Anyway, it looks like he will pass this level and move on to be a sea urchin. He is whimpering in his sleep. Poor J Man.

The girls are upstairs making videos on B's camera. There is lots of laughing, they probably won't show me.

Paul started a week long course today, I was to pick him up but told him to find his own way home since J Man couldn't leave the house. Still waiting for his arrival.

We are officially employed again! Yay! God has been so gracious to lead us to a wonderful church in Port Moody, just a half hour from where we are now. We are excited to start April 1st but need to keep in the school game until then! We had to make some decisions on faith and one of those decisions happens this week. We have transfered J Man to a preschool out there and he starts on Thurs. I am hoping that he feels well enough to make it to his last class in Fort Langley tomorrow. Perhaps I will just bring him for half an hour to say good bye. He is still whimpering.

The quietness that is around me is about to end, it is 4:30, t.v time for the girls has come and dinner making for me is about to commence. The whimpering has stopped.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Monday 20 February 2012

Out Of The Mouth Of Bean

"Uh, Jude, I don't think that is a good way to use your spit".

Friday 17 February 2012

Wish I Knew

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Wish I knew how I did this. Found this picture today taken this summer. Wish I knew how I did it!

Also, wish I knew when my first born got big enough to wear the same size sandals as me.  Are we really at the stage when we can share our clothes? 

Wish I knew.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

"When I'm Done"

Jude, in the bathroom, door closed with water running.

Me, "Jude can you open the door?"

Jude, "When I am done being a scientist!"

Alrighty then.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Sunday 12 February 2012

Thursday 9 February 2012

A Year

Do you ever stop to think of what you were doing a year ago? I thought I'd share what life was like in Feb a year ago for our family.

We went to the Bootleg Dog Sled Races that are annually held in Kimberley where we were living.




We went to the big dinner held later that night as Paul was asked to pray for the meal. We ate and then headed out to a Kootenay Ice hockey game... they were playing the Vancouver Giants. It was hard to know who to cheer for.  It was one of the few nights we had a babysitter so we made the most of it!

This Feb Paul and I got a babysitter (Nana) and went shopping at Banana Republic, ate dinner at the most modern lounge we have ever been too, and then went to the Symphony to listen to the VSO do Russian Classics.

Last Feb we were living with lots of snow. Lots and lots of snow.




This Feb we had sun and warmth, oh, and rain!  We have played at parks with no jackets, seen bulbs coming up out of the ground and can smell spring in the air. 

What a difference a year makes. I wonder what next Feb will hold for our family.

Monday 6 February 2012

Starting The Week Off Right

Why include Peter and the Wolf? Well, because this is how I am starting my week. My Love and I are heading to the Symphony tonight. A real date. Getting dressed up, dinner and the VSO. A great way to start the week. A huge thank you to our friends who gave us the tickets since they are out of town. I'll let you know how it sounds from the front row!

It has been amazing weather here, sunny and warm. Real warm. Leave the jacket at home warm. When the rain clouds part here it is heavenly. 

Speaking of heavenly, my second born has a way of playing to the camera in the most wonderful way.




Starting the week with sun, music, family and resting in the plans that God has for us. A good way to start the week.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Desert Lobster

Quote of the night.

Out of the mouth of Bean as we are watching a movie.

"Why is there a lobster in the desert?!!"

My response. "Uh, that's a scorpion."

Friday 3 February 2012

She's Going To Camp

It is official, I am old. Well, maybe not really old but I am old enough to have a kids who can go to camp, alone, for a week, alone... did I mention alone? I remember going to camp, and frankly I can't believe that I am old enough to now have a daughter at the same age going to camp. The plan was hatched only a few weeks ago when we randomly got a flyer in the mail for a camp that we know well. I had never really thought of sending our kids to camp before this. Cici was all over the flyer, looking it through and asking to go. B was interested but when she learned that you would have to spend a week away from us she politely declined. When Cici learned this she was even more fired up. So, the decision was made, money paid and she is going to camp this summer. There is a promo video HERE to check out, it is the 2012 video. She is going to have a great time and I am gonna miss her like crazy.