Saturday 27 March 2010


This is Penny...

She is very sweet

At first she was scared...

But now he loves to be cuddled

She is learning to sit and stay. She also loves to run outside and even stays close to us.

And she loves...

...just loves to fetch!

This is Penny...


Thursday 25 March 2010

Left Unatended

This is what happens when an almost 2 year old is left unattended for a few minutes.

He finds your lip balm and uses it as hair gel

and this is what he looks like after 2 shampoos, I am not sure if his "hair gel" will ever come out!

Sunday 21 March 2010

Name the Photo

This photo is begging for a name, so, please give it one!

Saturday 20 March 2010

On Cici's Request

We made cookies today and as we were beginning to devour them, Cici asked if we could take pictures and then blog about it! I said sure, so here it is!

Friday 19 March 2010


Parenting is tiring, of course many of you already know that. Last night was a learning curve for Jude, and as a result we are all tired.

Everyone went to bed really well, but just as Paul and I went to bed Jude woke up crying at his door. We went in to see what was wrong because he never wakes up. We put him back to bed and then he got out of bed again crying. We put him back a few more times, then gave him some Tylenol just in case he was getting sick or teething. After that we decided he was safe, drugged up, and just needed to go back to bed, this is where the tiredness comes in.

We didn't want to just keep putting him in his bed for him, he needed to learn to go back into his bed on his own. We are thankful that he can't open his door yet so he stood at his door calling for DADA and MAMA and crying and crying and crying and crying and cryi.... you get the picture!

I don't know how long it lasted, maybe and hour, but it was loud and funny all at the same time. He woke up the other kids and I had to explain to Cici to just close her door so it wouldn't be so loud! We never had to do this with Beaner, so it has been awhile for us, Cici did this a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean like all the time!! So, with the lessons we had learned from Cici, we waited in our bed listening. Paul fell asleep ( I have no idea how he can do that!), and after about an hour I heard the cries get softer and softer and eventually they moved from the door to the bed and stopped. Yay! 1 lesson learned tonight, a million more to go!

oh, on a related note, Jude woke up this morning with a runny nose and a very hoarse voice! He is sick.

Monday 15 March 2010

Saturday 13 March 2010


What is going on lately.....

It snowed and melted

revealing a sickly amount of deer poop

Jude has his first sunburn of the season and it is only mid March

We have had Subway more than twice in the last few days

Jude has learned how to say 'no' and uses it whenever he can

The kids were given free Easter Bunnies at the Thrift Store today (the stuffed kind, not the chocolate...booooo)

Jude and Paul have tea cozies on their heads right now, don't know why...

I am having a hard time deciding on what pictures to order to fill all the new frames we bought at Ikea

We have to shop for food bad

I have been on two walks already today, and am sitting out for the after dinner walk

ahhh, changing the clocks, don't like this one, but it works out ok for the kids, they get to sleep in

I am going to watch MacGyver dvd's in bed tonight

Gracie is heading out to scare the deer away with pot lids and a foam sword

well, that is about it for today, what are your highlights from your day?

Friday 12 March 2010

Spring In Kimberley

We had hope, our spirits were high. We pulled into our driveway last night and saw no snow on in our backyard. The kids ran around on soggy, deer poopy grass. Our spirits were high, spring was here! I was even planning on raking up some deer poop today.......


this is what we woke up to this morning

We made the best of it though

We headed out to play in it

I still have hope, it is melting like crazy now, almost 8 degrees.... it will be gone soon, but will it be back?

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Sunday 7 March 2010

A hint of fun

Here is a hint of the fun we have been having in Edmonton. We heading to see some friends out on a farm and had fun in the snow and with the animals, not to mention the fun with 9 kids all running around! Our trip so far is going good, except it wouldn't be a Truman trip without a flat tire, we'll get that fixed tomorrow. We have many more fun things planned in the next few days, but for now enjoy some farm fun!