Wednesday 30 June 2010

First Day of Summer Vacation

Day 1

Woke up... Paul yelled for Jude to go back to bed..
Fell asleep..
Woke up to Jude opening and closing his door...
Fell asleep again...
Really woke up to find Jude talking sweetly to his baby in his bed.
Made cinnamon buns for the kids.
Took the kids to the park.
Meet 3 friends and their kids there.
Walked home and made lunch.
Cici went for a playdate... she caught a butterfly.. she has been trying for 3 days.
Jude napped.
B helped me clean and organize the basement.
Took pictures and listed some of our baby gear online, sold two things already.
Gave away all our wine making equipment.
Did laundry.
Watered flowers.
Peony bloomed.
Paul got his first Sports Illustrated in the mail... Father's day gift.
Made dinner.
Went for a walk with the kids.
Watching Martha Speaks.
Gonna get the kids bed time snack, get them to bed.
Hope to go for a walk with a friend.
Will eat a bedtime snack.
Relax on couch.
Go to bed.

Wow, that seems like a lot... tomorrow holds way more than today. I will catch you up on day 2 tomorrow!

Monday 28 June 2010

Not Me Again

It is Monday again, and for the 2nd week in a row I will post a Not Me Monday.

It was Not Me this week when looking for new sunglasses headed over to the kids section and started trying them on. I most certainly did not walk out with some High School Musical sunglasses because they were the only ones that fit me!

When at the beach this weekend I did not secretly wish that my son would pee in the water so that I would not have to run him up the hill all the way to the washrooms. Not Me!

And lastly I would never just post a Not Me Monday just to enter a giveaway contest... I am not doing that.... I would never do that... and if I win, I won't tell you that I did!

More Fun in the Sun

Two days of fun in the sun, could summer be here? We had a church party out at Moyie Lake, it was the first time in 3 years we have had sun for this party! We relaxed at the beach, ate great food with great friends and enjoyed the warm weather. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the party.

All pictures © Karis Truman

Saturday 26 June 2010

A day at the Beach

All pictures © Karis Truman

Wednesday 23 June 2010


One cool thing Cici's class has been doing is "growing" butterflies. They all started as caterpillars and then watched them as they made their chrysalis and then they all hatched. They are going to release them this week . It was pretty fun for her and she wanted some pictures taken so she could remember them!
Oh, they are Painted Ladies, just so you know!

All pictures © Karis Truman

Monday 21 June 2010

Not Me Monday

Not me Monday was born from MckMama who wished to be honest to her blog readers, so, I will take my turn and give you my very first Not Me Monday.

It was Not Me who today, driving in the car, opened a juice box SECRETLY as not to tip off my 2 year old son that I had it. I then did not proceed to drink it secretly, hiding it from sight of him so I wouldn't hear the whining and persistent asking to have one!

I certainly am not ignoring a pair of dog poo shoes at the front step, Not Me, I always get that sort of gross thing cleaned up right away and not leave it (hopefully) long enough so my husband will have to deal with it! Nope Not Me!

And I absolutely did not grab the only pair of undies that I can wear with my white linen pants out of the dirty laundry, gave them a sniff and put them on for church yesterday. I would never do such things... and then blog about it!

And lastly, I would never be so uncool as to take pictures of big construction trucks that happen to be working on our ally. I am way to sophisticated for that. Not only did I head out to the ally with my hubby and son to watch, but I took pictures of them so I would have something special to blog about. Not Me!

Sunday 20 June 2010

Up in the Air

If you are wondering if Paul got some huge forearms and some tats... he didn't, that is our friend Dave having fun with J Man!

All Pictures © Karis Truman

I took the girl's out for a surprise date yesterday. First it was lunch at Tim's then we headed to watch Toy Story 3. They were so excited! It is so much fun taking kids to movies, I love to watch them react and interact with the show! It was pretty good, there was only one part that got B nervous and she couldn't watch, oh and we were warned about the toy monkey, so when he showed up we were ready to laugh instead of scream!! I had a lot of fun with my girl's yesterday, I hold fast to these times that they are young and want to hold my hand and be silly with me. I love this time, but also look forward to the future and what our relationship can be.

It is Father's Day and Gracie was the first one up, dressed and in the kitchen making Paul breakfast. I had to realize the noises I heard and headed down to help her out! They made him cards, B grew him some plants at school, Cici made him nuts and bolts and Jude colored a card and put car stickers on it. It is pretty cool to see them step up and and get creative and take it out of my hands! I am thankful to God that I have an incredible Dad that under Christ loves, serves and leads his family and I have married a man that does the same. Happy Father's day!

Friday 18 June 2010

Guns and Deer

What does this have to do with communion?

I have no idea but I am going to find out on Sunday, I'll keep you posted!

On to other fun news, there is a mom deer that had triplets around our house. She is very protective so we need to be careful. At one point there were 3 fawns, but now there are two. They are very small and very spotted. I like them at this age, then they grow and become professional garden eaters and lawn poopers.

Saturday 12 June 2010

That didn't work!

Sometimes just wanting to share pictures with you guys is hard work! I want to protect my pictures here and I think the best way to do that is to watermark everything I put up. That is the simple solution that will require that can or worms to be opened again! Oh well.... enjoy the pictures... but please ask before stealing them?!

J Man playing the camera

J Man playing the camera 2, originally uploaded by Reesy6.

I am trying to find ways to add protected photos to my blog, so bear with me as I try some new things!

Carnival of Fun!

We go to a play group in town that is all free, in fact we have begun going on Thurs nights to play and they even feed us dinner! They had a "carnival" on Fri morning so I headed over there with B and J Man.

There was a bouncy castle

Cookie decorating

Face painting

Bubble blowing

and what carnival wouldn't be complete without a fishing pond!

At the same location, the city has opened a new park, so we had to check that out too.
This is a crazy fun swing that ALL our kids can go on at the same time! How fun!

Tuesday 8 June 2010

How my Garden Grows

Here is a sneak peak of one of our gardens, I think spring is finally here and hopefully summer is just around the corner!