Thursday 26 July 2012

Almost Time

It's almost time for this girl


 to go to camp for the first time.

It's almost time for her mother to say goodbye to her for 5 whole nights.

It's almost time for me to pack and finish laundry.

It's almost time for me to spend some quality time with my younger two kids at their grandparent's house.

It's almost time to hit the beach.

It's almost time for me to answer my phone that is ringing.

It's almost time to make dinner.

It's almost time to watch her grow up.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Little Maisie

I had the honour of photographing this 12 day old baby girl a few days ago. She is absolutely precious and her ease in front of the camera must be in her genes, her parents are pretty photogenic too!

She slept for some of it but also gave some amazing calm awake time. Boy is she cute, and small, and cuddly, newborns are amazing!









Monday 16 July 2012


Having two daughters, I never thought that two girls in the same family could be so different.



But through their differences, they share one important thing...


each other.


Wednesday 11 July 2012

Taste of Camp

So, in many respects we are a bit crazy, like say, moving and 3 days later going for a 4 hr road trip to spend a few days at camp. It was well worth it though, lots of fun and a great chance to get out of the mess of the house.


The camp is beautiful, more like a resort really.

There is an all weather basketball court where the Trumans showed their mad ball handling skills.


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There was also ball hockey.


We went swimming in the outdoor pool, went kayaking in the lake and couldn't leave without doing this...

So much fun, we hope to be able to go back sometime. If you want to check out what a Young Life camp looks like and what it is all about, you can stay for free just like we did. Of course, we would have to go too just so I could try the zip line with you!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

His Family

This is how I found my little man sleeping, he calls this his family.
Nothing better than cuddling with your family in bed.


Saturday 7 July 2012

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My

Last night I let the girls go alone to the park that we back on to, I can see and hear them from my kitchen window. They had lots of fun and I felt good as a mom, gave them some freedom and they did great with it.

Tonight at dinner the topic of bears came up. We are bear aware and have been warned of their presence in our new city. We have had experience with living with wild animals from Kimberley but people here are quite adamant that we need to exercise caution. Cici pipes in that a lady last night at the park asked them where their parents were. Cici told her that we were in our house next door and could see and hear them. The lady continued that they should be careful, she had just seen a bear walk down the street and it could turn around and come back to the park. 

So, I suppose I will be more cautious about letting them go out alone.

Paul will clap on his walk to church in the morning.

I bought a bear bell.

...bears... oh my.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

I am Moved

It is done, well the hard part is. We have moved and it went very well. We are starting to unpack and see all the stuff we haven't seen in a year. It is like Christmas everyday, but a little more stressful. Our new house is great, we are finding things that need to be fixed and have already made our first trip to Home Depot, the first of many in the coming weeks. Everyday, this new house starts to feel more like ours and not like we are visiting. The weather has been so wet that we haven't had the chance yet to get out and explore, but our neighbours are so friendly, they even wave as I wash windows! The kids are settling in and they are feeling more comfortable too. J Man LOVES his room which he doesn't have to share and the girls are adjusting to a smaller space together. They get to have their room painted so they picked a colour together (which was surprisingly easy) and are excited to get their room looking more like them. We are feeling disconnected from the world as our cell phones have little to no coverage here and we don't have internet yet, so, in this brief moment of cell phone signal, I type frantically before it drops! So, there is a quick update. We are not as tired anymore and actually are going for an overnight trip to Princeton to a camp. It will be nice to leave the mess behind for a couple of days and just enjoy being a family, hopefully in the sun.