Wednesday 13 January 2010

It is all a tease

We know this won't last, it is all a tease, but we are enjoying it while it is here!

The deck is all clear for now
The roof is pouring melting snow off

and we are enjoying some sunny, very warm Jan weather

Where is all the snow? Well for now, not here but we all know it will be back

Sunday 10 January 2010

my girls

If you ever wanted a glimpse of what I looked like as a kid, here it is.. just make my hair a little darker!

Who is this other girl? I know she is only 5 years old, but I think she is more mature than I am. Who taught her to pose and play to the camera, certainly not me!

Saturday 9 January 2010

Laughs and Panic, then some more Laughs

Jude brought us quite a bit of fun today. He started the day with the decision that he should join his sister in a bath without letting Paul know his intentions. Paul heard a splash, Gracie ran in to save him and Jude just laughed and laughed. The sight of him fully drenched in his clothes is very funny.

Next was panic, although you might have thought that the first story was the panic one. We were at Superstore tonight and as we are packing our cart at the checkout, I turn and realize that Jude is gone. We look frantically around and I look out the automatic doors and panic and pray that he didn't go to the parking lot by himself. I head outside to check then Grace runs out to get me and let me know that Paul found him.

This is where the next laugh comes in. Paul heard on the intercom weird sounds and buttons pushing. He thinks to himself... I wonder if that is Jude... and sure enough he found him under one of the checkouts playing with the intercom phone! My son, my son.

What laughs or panic have you had today?

Pandora's Box

Have you ever bought a new piece of say... wolf art... and then needed to rearrange your whole living room just to accommodate the new piece? Pandora's box.

Well, we have opened our own present. Paul bought me this incredible camera for Christmas and now that I can take great pictures, I want to edit them. So, as I slowly lift the lid to the box, it's contents come spilling out and I am left with a mess. See, I have tried photoshop ( I still am choosing not to capitalize), and just yesterday wanted to try Mac's version Aperture. It looks great and I can easily switch between my iphoto and it. Doesn't sound too messy yet, but it is coming. I was shocked when I tried to download the free trial, it only took 9 minutes (compared to the hour photoshop took)! Another sign that Mac is better. Here is the mess... my computer can't support the software. My computer is so old that it doesn't have enough Ram! AHHHHH! I have finally found the editing program I want to use my fantastic camera with, create amazing photos, wow the world with my talents.... well, not really. I can't do it. There all around me is my mess. What do I do? For now, I have downloaded the free trial to Paul's computer because he has 1GB of ram compared to my measly 512MB. Mac's new desktops are now coming with a whopping 4GB that can be upgraded to 8GB! But having it on his computer is obviously not a solution. Do I need to get a new computer? AHHHHHHHH! Well, that is my box and all my mess. I know it is not life or death but my world has been opened, my eyes can see the possibilities and it is out of reach. Oh well. I am sure there will be a solution but not for a long time. Perhaps we could by a new desk top in the summer and get Paul another free new itouch because his is toast and doesn't work. Humm, lotsa decisions.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

I am ashamed..

ok, so I admit it, I am watching hockey. I just watched a huge goal that Canada just scored. Why do I care? I am not sure I do, but I am locked in anyway! It is tied 5-5, I got hockey fever baby!!

On to other stuff. How do I manage my photos and edit them is what is on my mind tonight. I downloaded a free trial of photoshop and it is pretty good, overwhelming though. Next I am going to download a free version of Mac's Aperture. It does all the same stuff, but it will manage all my photos for me, work with my Mac really well and I can order prints online straight from Mac which is my best option right now for prints. I feel like I am already sold on Aperture, but I will wait out this 30 trial on photoshop and then try out Aperture. You notice how I am only capitalizing Aperture and not photoshop, I didn't do that on purpose, must be sub-conscience.

I am also torn between heading upstairs and watching the rest of The Devil Wears Prada, a movie that we started the other night on tv but didn't finish... or watching the overtime hockey game. I can't believe that is a decision for me. What do think I will do?

Monday 4 January 2010


I am eating jelly beans and just one that is gross
The next one was pineapple, don't know yet if I like it
Paul just took J Man out to the store, J Man is in undies and hope that they both come back dry
It is snowing
I didn't like the pineapple one
I gave Beaner a cute haircut
It was hard to wake up this morning
It was even harder for Cici to wake up
I really love my new camera
J Man hasn't peed in a diaper during the day for days, he is rocking the potty
His favorite undies have baseballs and basketballs on them
We rearranged the living room
I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight
One of my resolutions for this year is to laugh more

Friday 1 January 2010