Saturday 9 January 2010

Laughs and Panic, then some more Laughs

Jude brought us quite a bit of fun today. He started the day with the decision that he should join his sister in a bath without letting Paul know his intentions. Paul heard a splash, Gracie ran in to save him and Jude just laughed and laughed. The sight of him fully drenched in his clothes is very funny.

Next was panic, although you might have thought that the first story was the panic one. We were at Superstore tonight and as we are packing our cart at the checkout, I turn and realize that Jude is gone. We look frantically around and I look out the automatic doors and panic and pray that he didn't go to the parking lot by himself. I head outside to check then Grace runs out to get me and let me know that Paul found him.

This is where the next laugh comes in. Paul heard on the intercom weird sounds and buttons pushing. He thinks to himself... I wonder if that is Jude... and sure enough he found him under one of the checkouts playing with the intercom phone! My son, my son.

What laughs or panic have you had today?


  1. next time - teach him to play with the cash register - fill his empty pockets

  2. That's so scary... I can get my mind around that fact that he slipped away, but that he slipped away with the purpose of using the intercom... that boggles me... who are these children that you both have created??
