Tuesday 26 February 2013

Old and New

This past weekend I was asked to take some pictures. Pictures of some guitars.

I was up for the challenge, especially the challenge of capturing a Gibson guitar from 1928 and it's modern remake.

I fell in love with the 1928, it looks it's age but it is so beautiful, Paul even played it and it sounded amazing! 


The guitar even still has it's original tuners, amazing.


I love this picture. You can see how much this old guitar got played!


So, recently, Gibson took all the measurements of the 1928 and remade it. The owner has both guitars, it was so cool to see them side by side and capture old and new.



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The new one was really beautiful too. It photographed really nicely.



I can see why people collect guitars. It is for sure an expensive hobby but the beauty and craftsmanship in these instruments are amazing. I enjoyed the challenge of showcasing these guitars, letting their beauty shine through. 

Tuesday 12 February 2013


Over the past few weeks, basketball has been the talk around here. 

The grade 5's at the school had the opportunity to join the basketball team this winter. They started in January with practices before school a few times a week and just last week had their first game. There are 44 kids on the team, so they split into 2 teams that will face other schools in games. The games are really casual, they don't keep score, they just want the kids to get out and play! Cici has really been enjoying it and said she loved the game even though she was nervous at first. The team did great!




