Tuesday 10 February 2009

It has been awhile

So, I realize that it has been way too long since I have poured my thoughts into my keyboard.  I think it is a sign of my busyness....I have been consumed with life!  Our family is all sick but on the mend and just as one thing passes one more emerges.  Our laundry room is flooded with a plumbing problem which we hope we can fix tomorrow without digging up our yard!  Life just doesn't stop!  Even though life moves on sometimes it is easy to feel stuck though, like you aren't moving anywhere!

Jude is trying to crawl and this must be exactly how he feels.  Poor guy, he is soooo frustrated.  He is leaning, turning, rolling, reaching, and a whole lot of crying, but none of this has produced the desired effect, to MOVE!  It is hard to watch him get so frustrated but I know that this is the best thing for him.  Gracie can't stand it.  Truth be told, she accidentally dropped him on his head from just a few inches from the kitchen floor the other day.  He was fine but she freaked!  She felt so bad and cried and cried.  So, now when he is crying or on his knees or rolls onto his tummy she is there in a flash to save him.  I am trying to teach her that this is all good and just to leave him to learn but she thinks this is the worst thing.  It is hard enough as a parent to see your child try something new and fail and get hurt but for a 6 yr old to watch it, unbearable!  So, not only am I teaching him a  new skill, I am teaching my 6 yr old a few things too! I can't wait for him to figure this out, for him to be able to follow us around, explore on his own and be happy!  Oh, on another growing up note, he is on a bottle now and it is bitter sweet.  I miss the special time we had together and feel blessed that I could feed him in that special way but I am enjoying the freedom weening him has brought.  It is also fun to have the girl's feed him and he loves it too!  It doesn't seem that long ago that he was so tiny and just so needy on us.  Now he is grabbing the independence in front of him.  Boy, life does move fast, I just hope I can keep up!

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