Tuesday 12 June 2012

A Day At Camp

I remember camp as a kid. Being away from home for a week was such a huge thing, meeting new friends and doing crazy stuff at night with flashlights were all a major part of camp. Swimming in the lake and eating way too much candy were also high on the list. I must say though that this camp that Cici will go to in the summer may take the cake as far as fun activities go. Camp has come a long way in entertaining kids!

So, we went to check out the camp this weekend and took in some of the fun that Cici will have this summer.

There is an obstacle course.

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There are a few things that I am afraid of or grossed out by that I need to be brave about now that I am a mother. Thunderstorms, spiders, heights and these guys..


They were EVERYWHERE! These tent caterpillars were on a railing on one of the cabins. Just a glimpse into our nightmare at camp! Every 7 years there is an infestation of these guys and it happens to be this year! You couldn't get away from them. Standing in the grass, even walking through the grass you would have several hitch a ride on your leg. They would fall out of trees on to you. Sitting eating lunch you would have several crawling on you. A few even hitched a ride home in my in law's car and we found them the next day at their place! Gross. The good news I hope is that they will all be morphed into their better selves by the time camp comes.... though they might have problems then with moths!!

The crafting tent was a bit of respite from them though, so we stayed there as long as we could!


The beach at this camp is amazing, tons of fun blow up things to play on.  Boats to pull you around on and paddle surfing.


Cici tried to get in the water this way but realized that the ocean was crazy cold!
She did manage to walk in and play a bit but was short lived because she was freezing. They had more fun anyway catching baby crabs on the beach.


I stayed on the Island for a few more days as Paul needed to head back to work. I had a relaxing time and us girls joined "Grandma" (Paul's mom) for tea at this place, it was lovely.

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Here's a little game for you. 
Try to guess what activity at the camp these three did. 
I will post the answer and some video of said activity soon!


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