Tuesday 20 October 2009


Well, as I sit, I am wrestling with an issue. I was ready to start typing about potty training and other health related issues but with my older child but then I thought.... should I make these details public? With 3 kids, 7, 5 and 17 months, I have had lots of freedom in my blog with details about them and what we are up to. But as my oldest one gets older and older is it right for me to publicly reveal details of her life that she has not had a say in whether or not they are blogged about. Is it time for me to begin to ask her before I reveal details and stories of her life? Where is the line drawn? Am I just blogging about MY experiences which include my kids or am I blogging about my KIDS and their experiences. Where is their say in what others know about them. When do they begin to have a say if any at all? Hummm, where is the line? Well with that all said.......... I shall ponder some more.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing to ponder. You're such a sensitive Mom. What a gift to your family!
