Saturday 31 October 2009

Trick or Treat

I don't know who is more excited about Halloween, the kids or Paul! Either way, there was a lot of excitement in the house today. The weather started warm and sunny then turned rainy, then when it came time to head out, it cleared to reveal the full moon. We went with two other families and had a great time. Jude made it for almost an hour, but the girl's hit up the houses at the top of the hill and scored huge. I feel almost sick about all the candy they brought home, they for sure won't eat all of it, most of it will be heading to Paul's tummy. But they love to look through it all! Here are some pictures of our adventures today. Our firegirl, our photographer and our tiny football player loved their adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Soooooooooooo Cute!! I can't believe the whack load of candy. Jude looks thrilled to have candy & nice helmet -- you're so creative. The girls look great and like they had a great time. The pumpkins get better every year!

    Sorry we missed the fun.
