Sunday 4 July 2010

Not Me Monday

I know it is not Monday yet, but I don't think anything is gonna happen tomorrow that will top today, at least I hope not! Get ready, here it comes, the time when I unleash all my embarrassing moments (like it just took me 13 tries to spell embarrassing..).

It is Not Me who gets all excited at the thought of putting my kids down to bed, grabbing a cup of tea, making some toast with peanut butter and honey, heading upstairs with my husband and....... watch 2 full episodes of McGyver. It us pure bliss I tell you, or I don't tell you because it wasn't me!

I would never, after spotting our neighborhood Grouse, encourage my husband and our friend Dave to chase after it and then laugh so hard at the sight of two grown men running all around Upper Chap weaving left and right like chickens.... I would never find that funny, or even chuckle a bit to myself as I am typing...

And lastly, I would never take my son out for a long walk with only a t-shirt and pants... no diaper, no undies. Why would I do that? I would never take him to the park and realize that he was "bare under there" and take him to pee on a tree in a public place. I would never forget that he hadn't had a "number 2" all day and take my son, "bare under there" to a public park. Not Me. And most importantly I would never catch my son "finishing his business" that I forgot he had to do, look at my husband and say "that is all yours babe". I then would never, and I mean NEVER participate in the disposal of said accident by burring it under the rocks at this public park because we had no other way of disposing the evidence. Who would do that, leave such a disgusting gift under the gravel at a public park. NOT ME!


  1. I would never raise a child with the huzpah and resourcefulness to leave such a surprise in a child's playground. No not me. I'm not her dad.....
