Wednesday 24 August 2011


Where to start.

Went swimming today at the Walnut Grove indoor pool, I hadn't been there since Cici was a baby. It hasn't changed much actually, but was still lots of fun. The biggest highlight was the huge waterslide. Both girls went down over and over again. Even Bethy after a few scared tears marched up to the top with her sister and came down with a huge smile and laughing uncontrollably. On her 4th time down she came running over to me and said that from now on I had to walk her up there, the lifeguard told her so. "Oh," I said, "why?" "Where you running up the stairs?" "Where you fighting with your sister?" "NO!", she said, "The lifeguard asked me how old I was and I said 6." I was proud of her for telling the truth but really, she is turning 7( how old they need to be to walk up alone I guess) in just a few more weeks. I tried to comfort her about it but used the opportunity to explain that there are rules and even though we may not like them we should obey them, plus, I wasn't about to trek up to the top and back down carrying J Man!

It is hot, finally summer. Trying to keep our place cool but our room gets pretty hot at night. We are really enjoying our place and have been to the outdoor pool a few times but not since last week's poop incident (not our kid thankfully!)

Waiting for some pictures I ordered to come, not sure when or where they will arrive.

Jude just hurt himself again... be right back..... he hurt his foot but will be fine. With that one plus walking into the counter, the car, the wall, the banister... the count for the day has got to be over 10!

Paul is almost done Hebrew!!!! YAY!!! Single parenting is not for me, I miss him and can't wait to get him back this weekend.

Speaking of school, I am a bit excited! It has been a long 3 months of having them 24/7, they are getting tired of only playing together, they need friends and I need them to have friends. I am looking forward to some time on my own. I know though, as soon as I have my first day alone... well, maybe the second of third or fourth day I will miss them. I am looking forward to having some time too with Paul, maybe we could even get a lunch date once a week!

The kids are wrestling again, I am exhausted after taking 3 kids swimming, how do they keep going?

Got a really fun birthday planned for Cici, we are going to the Corn Maze with our family. It is so cool that we can invite all our extended family to come! She is pretty excited about going, not just for the maze but for the pony rides, the huge slide, the petting zoo, the hayride, the train ride, the bonfire. I am pretty excited too.

Jude has a little toy piano that plays a few songs, it just played a crazy version of Bon Jovi's Living On A Prayer.

We have a crazy good birthday planned for Beaner but can't share, well, not yet at least. We are going to surprise her with it and she is going to LOVE it. Again, so cool that we live in a place where the entertainment options are endless. Also, it pays to have a membership at the Aquarium!

Gonna head down and check the mail, it is an event around here.

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