Sunday 9 January 2011

...Because we Can

Why do we climb huge snow banks that were left after they finally ploughed our street?


Why does J Man spend 5 minutes trying his best to make it up the snow bank only to slide/fall back down a few seconds later?


Why does Beaner slide down huge snow banks backward?


Why does Cici speed to the top and race down over and over and over and over...?


Why do we climb another 10ft bank to reach the pinecones that are way up in the trees?



Why is Beaner wearing her swimming goggles outside?

IMGP5333 - Version 2

Why are all the kids wearing their swimming goggles outside?


Why are all the kids wearing their swimming goggles outside and pretending to be Aliens?


Because we can.

1 comment:

  1. why do I bask in the temperate temperature?
    why do I smile at the sunshine mountains?
    why is my snow shovel lost and un-missed?
    why do I tolerate a single day of minus degrees?
    why am I laughing at your pictures?

    Because I can!
