Friday 7 January 2011

Snowman Time

It is finally warm enough to make a snowman, the kids had been waiting for these temps all Christmas Break. This is what they made, well, it was Cici with a bit of help from Daddy!



Ok, I am not a big fan of this type of editing with photos....


But this picture I snapped of J Man yesterday looks best like this. So there you go, you may never see me do this type of edit again.

Today is Fri, the last day for the girls at school, I missed them this week not having them home all day like on the Break. I think they miss being home too. It has been great just having me and J Man time though. I think I am gonna take J Man swimming this morning, he'll love that. What else... It has been snowing a bunch and way more snow is in the forecast. I love it when it is warm and snowing here, it is so beautiful and the kids are way more motivated to go out and play.

Well, it is 8:39am, I guess I should go start my day, the dishes are calling.


  1. Yes, it does make a difference to have warmer weather. Did you use your new lens for these pics? The quality is great. Hmmmm... Bubble Boy?


  2. Yup, I am not taking the lens off till I know I can get consistent shots with it, it is gonna be on for a while!
