Tuesday 4 January 2011

Our Quick Trip


He's excited...why?

Because we stayed in a hotel!




We decided to get out of town for an overnight shopping trip to our closest Costco which is almost 3 hrs away. The kids were thrilled to go. As we were in the elevator heading to our room, Cici was bursting with excitement and said she couldn't wait to see what the room looked like. It was nice, very nice in fact. The kids went crazy and ran around the room, jumped on the beds and couldn't wait to go to the pool.

Paul was more excited about something else though...


Cici was so excited when she found a note pad on the desk, she wanted to write a note to the hotel staff to say thank you.


Bedtime was interesting, trying to get 3 really excited kids to sleep in one big room, with football on the tv..... they finally crashed after the game was over.


None of us slept great though and this is how J Man ended up spending the last moments at Costco.


He was almost asleep sitting in the cart, I pulled him out and put him on my shoulder, then he crashed hard. Paul made it through the check outs by himself, but it was hard to get 2 FULL carts to the car with me holding a sleeping Jude. So, I laid him in one of the carts and he was fully asleep till I pulled the coat off of him so I could snap a picture.

It was wonderful just to get away, the kids kept saying they felt like they were in Vancouver probably because of all the "big" stores! It was great on our pocket book too, no tax in Montana, our dollar strong and we didn't have to pay anything at the border! Perhaps we will go back again... when we run out of T.P.!

1 comment:

  1. Fun spontaneous trip! I remember kids running around the hotel room jumping bed to bed... Nana
